is this you?
Mompreneur feeling overwhelmed in life and business
Mom attempting to balance motherhood, work life, and self care
Working Mom wanting to live in purpose beyond your 9 to 5

i totally understand.
You’re making to-do lists in order to be clear on the things that you need to get done, but you still find yourself overwhelmed. You know that if you could take better care of yourself that you would then be able to take better care of others, so you do the work to indulge in self care, but the lack of consistency always wins.
You haven’t been able to figure out the formula to create the flow between home life, professional life, and self preservation that allows you to live in a way that feels purposeful and authentic to the person that you truly are.

TOGether we can help you breathe
again by
Identifying your stressors
Revealing the real source or cause of the issues
Determining what actions can be taken to eliminate the problem
Evaluating your progress, and
Celebrating your wins

i can help!
This is where I come in
to organize the chaos
remove overwhelm
help position you for happiness and fulfillmenT
Yes, you’ve been making plans for your day, but I’ll now show you how to make plans that align with your view of motherhood and the God given purpose for your life.
Will help you clearly identify where boundaries and limitations of your time and energy are needed. You’ll reveal what mindless activities may be hindering you from reaching your goal of living a purposeful and well balanced life.
You have values that have taken the backseat to your roles and responsibilities; we’ll change the narrative and design a life that focuses first on the things that are important to you as a working mom.
Time is our most valuable resource. Once time is gone, we’ll never get it back, because of this it’s important that you cherish and create your life’s moments and not allow burnout, stress, and frustration to overtake you.

coaching offer

working mom
You’ve tried everything from affirmations to self-help books to gain control of your life, but unfortunately you still haven’t found the thing that will ignite the shift that you need.
You’ve spoken to those around you for tips on how they’re managing all of their roles and responsibilities, and if they have discovered their life’s purpose only to find that they too are struggling with it all
client feedback

"Atoya helped me develop the mindset necessary to create the life that I desire."
I met Atoya on the first day of starting a new job. Immediately I knew that our interaction with each other would be special. After watching her build her platform and how she helped other women through coaching and in person events - I decided to work with her regarding my business. Atoya's approach was relatable and effective.
Atoya helped me connect with the WHY not only in my business, but also in my life. I have learned that understanding why you do something is oftentimes more important than the exact thing you desire to do. Thank you Atoya for helping me get laser focused and setting a solid foundation for my business and taking control of my personal life.
Nicole Freeman of Encouraging Words with Nicole

Although Atoya is my friend, I honor and respect the gift of counsel that God has given her and have worked with her on a professional level through her coaching programs, conference calls, and more.
Before working with Atoya, I was hesitant about building my somewhat nontraditional business outside of my 9 to 5. Atoya helped me build the confidence that I was in need of to boldly pursue my entrepreneurial journey and deepen my overall commitment to honoring myself.
Dr. Londeria Taylor - Intimacy Coach
your life before
working with me
your life after
working with me
Racing Thoughts of All the Things You Need to Do
Feeling Drained By Your Roles and Responsibilities as a Working Mom
Experiencing Bouts of Anxiety
You Never Seem to Have Enough Time
Have a Personalized Mom Life Management Strategy
Obtain Maximum Productivity with the Least Effort
Reduce Your Stress by Prioritizing and Categorizing Your Activities
Set Energy and Time Budgets
Confidently Identify and Live Your Life’s Purpose
Develop a Sustainable Mom Care Routine
Create Effective Work-Life Flow